Mauro Morandi, famously nicknamed "Robinson Crusoe" for his solitary life on the remote Budelli Island in the Mediterranean, has died at the age of 85. Morandi’s remarkable story of self-sufficiency ...
Mauro Morandi, who has died aged 85, stumbled upon the picturesque Mediterranean island of Budelli, which lies between Corsica and Sardinia in Italy’s Maddalena archipelago, in 1989 after his ...
Lisa Kudrow revealed during an interview on “The Drew Barrymore Show” (via People) that she recently discovered a note the late Matthew Perry left for her inside the “Friends” cookie jar, which he ...
Mauro Morandi was nicknamed Robinson Crusoe by the media after being identified as the sole resident of Budelli island, an old World War II shelter off the Italian island of Sardinia. He prided ...