Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday said that his chair was not vacant amid reports that a change of guard is in the offing. Referring to the media reports that his deputy DK ...
A public consultation into plans to lay 90 miles (145km) of cable under the sea between Kent and Suffolk ends on Sunday. The Sea Link project would carry windfarm and nuclear-generated electricity ...
Battery capacity and wired charging speeds are ... the design choices it made with the S24 series, with the only major change observed in the top-of-the line Galaxy S25 Ultra.
And reporting by phone isn’t always more effective: some callers who tried to raise the alarm about evidence of dangerous battery charging told THE CITY they faced dead ends and frustration. Last ...
OnePlus 13 is a flawless flagship smartphone armed with great cameras, insanely fast and fluid performance and the best battery life on ... to Qualcomm’s highest end Snapdragon 8 Elite chip.