DOCTORS were shocked to discover maggots crawling inside a man’s penis and bladder. The 76-year-old patient went to hospital ...
Fly maggots in Morocco have developed fake termite-like faces and matching scents to infiltrate termite colonies undetected. Scientists believe they belong to a newly discovered species.
A NEW type of fly maggot has evolved fake faces on their rear ... Soldier termites are ruthless, and typically kill colony intruders on site. But disguised as one of their own, researchers found ...
Soldier termites typically kill colony intruders on site, but disguised larvae live among the soldiers without any problems and are granted full access to the termite mound's food chamber. The ...
J. Leiderman, who does our theme music - associate the texture of food with taste, and that includes fruit fly maggots. Science reporter Ari Daniel explains. ARI DANIEL: The persimmon was Nikita ...
Use extra caution. && Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection will use a natural agent to kill black fly larvae on the Lehigh River starting Tuesday. That means "death from above ...
In her spare time, she's in her kitchen, trying a new baking recipe. If you've noticed even one fruit fly lingering in your kitchen this winter, more are likely on the way. These resilient pests ...
A new paper in Current Biology describes how the larvae of a blow fly has evolved to live, apparently unnoticed, inside the nests of harvester termites. Its main strategy, it seems, is the "termite ...
In southeastern Pennsylvania, where 60 percent of U.S. mushrooms are grown, phorid flies are posing a threat to the industry, destroying up to 40 percent of the crop and invading homes. To combat the ...
It doesn't take an infestation for fruit flies to become a real nuisance in your kitchen. Fortunately, a simple whiskey trick can help you get rid of the pests.