An Oklahoma organization helping unhoused teenagers said it needs more space to help care for those young lives.
When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that cities could enforce bans on camping in public, B oise Mayor Lauren McLean was ...
White now joins Mayling Armijo and Eddie Varela in the running for mayor. Varela, who is a retired firefighter, says his biggest priorities are focusing on how taxpayers can be better taken care of, ...
Amid social stigma, vulnerability to violence and exploitation, lack of access to clean, safe toilets and the struggle to ...
Housing advocates and those supporting homeless youth say it’s now near impossible to get into emergency housing, and there ...
Legislation that would criminalize sleeping and camping on public property while allowing cities and counties to create ...
A meeting was held Feb. 25 at the Amico Senior Center about the city’s plans to bring homeless shelters to apartment ...
Getting back on your feet while homeless, “it’s almost too scary to try to figure out on your own,” said Debra Gatto.
Out of Sight, out of Mind is a series in which Clark Curtis will take a closer look at homelessness in Washington. Speaking with those who have experienced it firsthand and managed to turn their lives ...
The Metro Richmond homeless population, as estimated by an annual point in time count, remained relatively unchanged from ...
The working class must reject half-measures and lies and demand a full accounting of the scale and depth of the homeless ...