Elon Musk said a third person has received an implant from his brain-computer interface company Neuralink, one of many groups working to connect the nervous system to machines. “We've got ... three ...
The Super Bowl, for example, lags 30 seconds to a minute behind cable. Do a trial run before you cut the cord for good Cutting the cable cord can save you a lot of money but you'll need to do some ...
This week on Dezeen, we rounded up twelve architecture projects expected to complete in 2025, including a sports campus topped with greenery in China. Featured among the list of projects is the ...
The project forms part of Saadiyat Island – a cultural district under development off the coast of the UAE capital with a cluster of landmark buildings by an illustrious roster of architects.
The past year has seen the opening of the world’s second-tallest skyscraper, the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral and the announcement of countless futuristic urban mega-projects. Yet ...
Fast-paced markets, shrinking budgets, and increasing shareholder scrutiny are just a few of the factors piling pressure onto today’s project managers. Projects are also becoming more complex ...
Currently, the facility operates partially on portable diesel generators to help move things quickly. The project already received approval from the Memphis regional power authorities for an ...