Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld season 2, the second installment of the animated series, is already being anticipated by fans within days of the show's season 1 premiere. The first season ...
Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld season 1 is an animated supernatural-action series created by Echo Wu. The series focuses on the teenager Jentry Chau's struggles with demons from the underworld as ...
Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld tells the story of how its titular Chinese American teen is yanked out of her boarding school in South Korea and dragged to a small Texas town to fulfill a destiny ...
The Underworld. Wu, who created the series, discussed how personal of a project it was for her, while Wong touched on what made her want to get involved and more. The synopsis for the series reads ...
So Netflix’s Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld, which not only sees a superpowered teenage girl battle demons but also draws from Chinese mythology, seems like it was created in a lab just for me.
But when a run-in with Mr. Cheng ends with Jentry ripping open a portal to the Underworld, she has to own her powers or risk it all. Along for the ride are a bevy of surprisingly layered ...