After a surge of heat-related workplace injuries in Nevada, state regulators approved a permanent heat stress standard Wednesday to protect the safety and health of indoor and outdoor workers.
“When you’re cold, your body has to work harder to keep itself warm, and that burns more calories and can make you feel hungrier,” says Dana Ellis Hunnes, a senior clinical dietitian at the University ...
This study presents valuable findings related to seasonal brain size plasticity in the Eurasian common shrew (Sorex araneus), which is an excellent model system for these studies. The evidence ...
Heat pumps provide both heating and cooling, essentially taking the place of both a furnace and an air conditioner. They work by condensing and transferring thermal energy (heat) from one place to ...
While the scientific literature includes studies of how heat stress affects plant growth in general, or the development of key reproductive structures, there was an absence of work that ...