13, 2023 — Reflux disease manifests as acid regurgitation and heartburn and is a known risk factor for esophageal cancer. However, a new study now reports that the majority of patients do not ...
Many people diagnosed with a hiatal hernia will not have any symptoms. Those who do usually experience heartburn and indigestion. While medications may provide some relief, effective hiatal hernia ...
Large amounts of turmeric may also increase the likelihood of acid reflux, so if you’re sensitive to heartburn, it’s best to use it cautiously. For vegetarians or those with anaemia ...
Hematemesis is the medical term used to describe vomiting blood. The blood can be bright red, dark red, black, or dark brown, or resemble coffee grounds. It is caused by internal gastrointestinal (GI) ...
A 54-year-old gentleman with diabetes arrived at our hospital complaining of intense heartburn that he first thought was a result of a celebratory dinner he had with friends. But as antacids gave no ...
Medical experts explain the timing of heartburn isn’t just bad luck. Your sleep position plays a crucial role in triggering these uncomfortable acid reflux episodes. During the day, standing or ...
Some models predict that any liquid water on Mars' surface must have been covered by sheets of ice before it disappeared. However, the new findings, which were published Jan. 15 in the journal ...
Or you can get it if you have irritation in your stomach. Symptoms include: being bloated feeling or being sick pain or discomfort in your chest or tummy a burning feeling in your chest (heartburn) ...
DESCRIBED as “liquid gold”, baby eels or elvers are among the most valuable aquatic creatures in the world, with their price ranging from US$2,000 to US$15,000 per pound. “It’s just like ...
She remembered reading that heartburn can be a symptom of a heart attack, so she checked the American Heart Association’s website, which confirmed her suspicions. She decided to drive herself ...