The documentary follows investigator Amanda Paulson's inquiry into the mysterious 1937 case of Hallie Illingworth. Hallie's body, found three years later in Lake Crescent with a soap-like preservation ...
She interned in Washington, D.C. with Congressman Austin Scott’s communications team and with The JOY FM. During this time, Hallie’s passion for journalism grew even stronger as she learned ...
"People call me a ‘horse girl,’ and I don’t really care," Hallie Blair said. “Now they call me a D-1 horse girl." ...
Both Wi-Fi and Ethernet have their benefits when it comes to home broadband. Wi-Fi offers mobility and convenience, meaning ...
It’s unclear if that buzzing sound coming out of New Jersey is drones or something else, but for sure the nighttime sightings ...
The Chippewa Valley Health Cooperative (CVHC) has already announced its plans to build a full-service, non-profit, hospital ...
Families in the region are heading out to local Christmas tree farms to chop down their own trees for the holidays.
Supplements for a healthier heart. Chiropractic to ease back pain. Acupuncture for better sleep. Our experts reveal the ...
For the third time this year, an arrest warrant has been issued for an Eau Claire man who was charged in February with drunk ...
AN INFLUENCER has revealed the time she “conned” two men out of thousands – despite not needing the cash. The 27-year-old New ...
B uffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen is used to making the calls during football games, but he recently orchestrated a ...