PV Sindhu tied the knot with Venkata Datta Sai in a grand and opulent wedding at Raffles Udaipur. The festivities, which unfolded over the past weekend, included a series of culturally rich and ...
This understated greyish-white saree comes with a full-sleeved blouse and a plunging V-neck, exuding style and class. Katrina loves a good V-neck, and she looks radiant as ever in this red saree ...
Nita Ambani, one of Asia’s wealthiest women, has a closet comprising outstandingly crafted sarees from India. There’s no denying that the affluent lady has an affinity for sarees and has often ...
Shraddha Kapoor’s saree look, paired with classic oxidized earrings, is the perfect inspiration to slay a beach wedding look. So, put an end to your worries and channel your inner Shraddha with this ...