The anime adaptation for Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War is ramping up to its final season, which will finally bring an end to the story that started 20 years ago. Featuring plenty of seasons ...
Ichigo recalled this traumatic memory during his duel with Grand Fisher in the present day in Bleach's ninth episode. Unfortunately, Ichigo didn't defeat Grand Fisher, and he was forced to accept ...
I'm honestly a little surprised that the fight between Shunsui and Lille Barro is still happening—I thought we saw Shunsui end it pretty definitively a couple weeks ago. But no! In JRPG fashion ...
I don’t know this part of Bleach.’And yes, in the 4th cour, there will be entire episodes where people might be like, ‘I’ve never seen this.’” Hence, it’s likely that the grand ...
Bleach TYBW part 3 episode 12 picks up after the decisive events of the previous battle, where Nanao Ise’s newfound power and Captain Shunsui Kyoraku’s unwavering support turned the tide against ...
When is the Bleach Rebirth of Souls release date? With the roaring success of Bleach’s ongoing Thousand-Year Blood War arc anime adaptation, the concept of the first full-fledged 3D Bleach ...
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, the direct sequel to the original acclaimed Bleach anime series, debuted its third part only two months ago but without a finale date announced. Today, we can ...
After months of dancing and many hours of training, it all comes down to this! The Strictly Come Dancing grand final takes place on Saturday 14 December from 6pm on BBC One and iPlayer.