This romantic drama centers on Cairo Lazaro (played by Elijah Canlas) and Gavreel Alarcon (portrayed by Kokoy de Santos), two young men who form an unexpected connection through online gaming during ...
Claudia Alarcón has been covering dining, food trends, spirits, cocktails, wine and travel since 2001, contributing to Forbes since 2018. She was honored to write a guide to her hometown of ...
MANILA, Philippines–Shortly after helping University of the Philippines claim its second UAAP title in four seasons, Harold Alarcon said he is returning to the Fighting Maroons for his final year.
In the three-minute video, Cairo (Elijah Canlas) and Gavreel (Kokoy de Santos) are now living together alongside their friends Terrence (Kyle Velino), Wes (Miggy Jimenez), Pearl (Adrianna So), and ...