Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom mobile was launched in July 2013. The phone comes with a 4.30-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 560x960 pixels at a pixel density of 256 pixels per inch (ppi).
There’s always something different or new to do in the San Fernando Valley and the greater Los Angeles area, but check in advance for closures, cancellations or postponements.
Putting a fresh spin on old technology seems like one way to go about it. Smartphone cameras with optical zoom have been around ever since Nokia launched the N90, way back when. This didn't exactly ...
When you use DPReview links to buy products, the site may earn a commission. Updated Jan 30, 2025 $1000 might sound like a lot of money for a camera, but it's probably the least we'd recommend ...
Tree lines make excellent photographic subjects, particularly in winter when lacking leaves, and they're not really that difficult to capture on camera either.
Artists are creating a Wall of Love for the Tehama County Art Council’s February Art Show themed “It’s All About Love,” on Feb. 7-22, held in the Tehama County Arts Gallery, 328 Oak St., Red Bluff.
The Microsoft Entra app gallery is a catalog of thousands of apps that make it easy to deploy and configure single sign-on (SSO) and automated user provisioning. Find popular cloud apps such as ...