The best funny jokes to have lined up for the next time you want to break the ice or make your bestie laugh hysterically.
we have got you covered with the best collection of over 100 funny jokes to tell your friends, your girlfriend, or girls you may be interested in. Always remember that women end up falling for ...
You can tell a joke in a Question and ... get better when they are shared. Discover some funny doctor jokes to share with your co-worker or friend who works in medicine.
Whether you want to cheer up a pal, impress someone on a night out or make your dating profile stand out, a knock knock joke is a safe choice to get a chuckle out of a friend or new acquaintance.
There are umpteen jokes about offices, corporate, entrepreneurs, which show the loopholes in the working environment, and also the problems faced by employees. So how can learning to tell jokes be a ...