Kohberger is accused of killing four University of Idaho students in November 2022. Prosecutors announced that they intend to ...
Unless your last name is Pelosi, Newsome, or Harris, it’s likely that you have concluded that “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” clearly violates the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.
The Equal Protection Clause is a section of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution that provides that "no state shall...deny to any citizen within its jurisdiction the equal ...
The Equal Protection Clause is a section of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution that provides that "no state shall...deny to any citizen within its jurisdiction the equal ...
A clause in the U.S. Constitution that says that no state shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” This “equal protection clause” has been used to challenge ...
and violations of procedural due process rights protected by the 14th Amendment. In successfully opposing the city’s summary ...
Donald Trump's second presidential term could have huge implications for U.S. trade policy, climate change, the war in ...
WASHINGTON: Donald Trump's second presidential term could have huge implications for US trade policy, climate change, the war ...
Donald Trump's second presidential term could have huge implications for US trade policy, climate change, the war in Ukraine, ...
Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions ...
X’s lawsuit argues that AB 2655 conflicts with the Constitution's First Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendments.“This system will inevitably result in the censorship of wide swaths of valuable ...