In that one speech, Donald Trump tried to drag the United States back from being a victim-dependency country to its founding ...
When the British first took control of Manhattan in 1664, over 18 immigrant languages were already in circulation on the ...
I admit being in the camp of those who see the U.S. Constitution as a living document and subject to change. Over the passage of time, you can see so ...
During the US civil war (1861-1865) there was talk of forceable American annexation of Canada because of British support for ...
While English is undoubtedly the predominant language of the nation, the U.S. has long prided itself on being a melting pot.
It's past time to realize that the center of power has long since moved from states and toward Washington, to detriment of us ...
In the Feb. 21 Tribune there was an article on the Department of Government Efficiency being the one most Americans want removed. Curious, since it costs nothing. Elon Musk draws no salary. It finds ...
Is it true that government should be run more like a business? This seems to be a given these days, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. The goal of a business is straightforward: to return a ...
Any views or opinions expressed in this column are of the individual, group, or entity who submitted it and not the ...
Trump has been gifted more power than he has taken. But now that he has accumulated so much authority through the weakness ...
Long Live the King.” A phrase that the founding fathers never wanted the American people to hear again. Recently, the White ...