Koshnaw et al, The Miocene subsidence pattern of the NW Zagros foreland basin reflects the southeastward propagating tear of the Neotethys slab, Solid Earth (2024). DOI: 10.5194/se-15-1365-2024 ...
Large mountain ranges have depositional basins on both sides. These large mountain ranges can be created by subduction - volcanic mountain ranges - or by collisions - metamorphic mountain ranges.
and paleomagnetic data to the evolution of sedimentary basins and the tectonic development of the North American Cordillera - emphases in Mesozoic-Cenozoic forearc, intra-arc, strike-slip, and ...
One research focus is the mechanical interaction between groundwater and rock deformation, which was motivated by an apparent spatial association between some mountain belts and ore deposits in ...
My work on CMBs occurs in both the Georgia Basin, Canada and the Western Foreland Basin, Taiwan. In the Georgia Basin, my students and I have developed and continue to refine a genetic stratigraphic ...
Dr. Dashtgard is presently leading research in the Georgia Basin on Vancouver Island, Canada, and in the Western Foreland Basin, Taiwan. The latter research program is part of an international ...