Mufasa (voiced by Aaron Pierre) and Taka (voiced by Kelvin Harrison Jr.) in "Mufasa: The Lion King." Critics are split in their reactions to Mufasa: The Lion King, Disney’s prequel to the 2019 ...
Disney is returning to the Pride Lands to tell the story of Mufasa: The Lion King, a computer-animated prequel to The Lion King directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Barry Jenkins. Mufasa ...
A nimal Kingdom may not make it to the top of everyone’s Disney favorites list, but it IS on my favorites parks list (maybe even in the top spot, depending on the day). This Animal Kingdom guide ...
Mufasa: The Lion King chronicles the origin of Mufasa and his rise to become the 'Lion King'. The story also shows how he meets a kind and sympathetic lion cub and gets adopted by his royal family.
"Mufasa: The Lion King" offers audiences a look into how Mufasa became king of the Pride Lands, which is conceptually interesting, but ultimately unnecessary. Like its predecessor, 2019's "The ...
Disney has added another film to their most successful franchise, The Lion King - this time following Mufasa's journey from a cub to becoming the king of Pride Rock. Inspired by the 1994 animation ...
If you go on safari to Africa—be it to South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, or Tanzania—you might not realize that the king of beasts is disappearing. You will see lion prides from ...