The three types of eye care professionals are optometrists, ophthalmologists, and opticians. An optometrist is licensed to examine eyes and diagnose and treat eye problems. An ophthalmologist performs ...
Eye strain symptoms include dry eye, tearing, a burning sensation in the eyes, and blurry vision. You may also have a headache, trouble concentrating, or neck and shoulder pain. Eye strain is not ...
The human eye is a simple, but extremely robust, optical instrument. Analysis by sophisticated wavefront-sensing technology and customized ray-tracing has now revealed that the eye is actually an ...
Poor eyesight is a common problem, especially as one becomes older. Is there a way to check macular degeneration in the eyes, and how? Dr Uma Malliah, senior consultant, ophthalmology ...
Ready for retirement? Take the quiz to test your knowledge about financial factors to consider. Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental Your eyes are said to be ...
Eyes are one of the most important organs in the body, yet often neglected during regular health check-ups. Regular visits to an optometrist help detect early signs of eye diseases, ensure proper ...
Some remedies may help conceal your sleepy eyes. These include getting an eye massage, minimizing your screen time, using a cold compress, or applying ingredients to your eyes. Staring at screens ...
As someone with relatively normal under-eyes, I’ve never had much use for eye creams, even though they’ve always been touted as a must-have for anyone who was serious about their multistep ...
Seeing flashing lights in the corner of one or both eyes can occur with migraine or result from trauma, detached retina, or other problems. The flashes of light may vary in shape, color ...
Taking care of your eyesight is essential. You can help strengthen your eyes in simple ways, like taking screen breaks, wearing sunglasses and even eating nourishing foods, vitamins and minerals.
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