TCP Socket Speed Test for ESP32 / ESP8266 The counterpart software has to be installed on the ESP target. Using this script, the usable data-thoughput from the ESP to the computer can be measured.
I have a lot of experience working with Arduino, ESP8266/32, STM32, Ren... I am an embedded software engineer and have been working on IoT projects for more than three years. I have hands-on ...
[导读]ESP32是流行的ESP8266 Wi-Fi模块的继承者,具有许多先进的功能,例如内置Wi-Fi的双核32位CPU和具有足够数量的30个I/O引脚的 ...
The ESP32 board is a versatile and very affordable development platform that is quite suitable for all sorts of home automation projects. Here we present a specific application with a weather station ...
Retrocomputing enthusiasts will be delighted to learn that a new ZX Spectrum replica is on the market: the ESP32 Rainbow. The single board computer swaps the Zilog Z80 for an ESP32-S3 microcontroller ...
CapibaraZero open-source firmware offers a low-cost alternative to Flipper Zero for ESP32-S3 hardware such as the LilyGO T-Embed CC1101.
12月13日,乐鑫科技股价继续上涨。截至今日收盘,乐鑫科技上涨0.79%,收盘价为215.42元,盘中股价最高触及234.00元,股价创历史新高。 乐鑫信息科技(上海)股份有限公司的主营业务是结合芯片硬件、软件方案以及云的技术,向全球所有的企业和开发者们提供一站式的AIoT产品和服务。公司主要产品有ESP8089系列芯片、ESP8266系列芯片、ESP32系列芯片、ESP8266系列模组、ESP3 ...