Wu Zetian is a Chinese television series based on the life story of Wu Zetian, the only woman in Chinese history to assume the title of Empress Regnant and became the de facto ruler of China in ...
The Shadow of Empress Wu, also known as Riyue Lingkong, is a Chinese television series about the relationship between Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, and Xie Yaohuan ...
Wu accused the Empress Wang of strangling the child (whom ... and taking the name Wu Zetian. But as brutal as her rise to power undoubtedly was, her rule proved to be an enlightened one.
How did she do it? She did so with ruthless determination – she killed her own newborn child – and then framed the Empress for the murder. Wu Zetian (624-705) of the Tang dynasty Wu Zetian ...