The final film made by Aardman during their partnership deal with DreamWorks Animation, “Flushed Away” saw the company stray from their stop-motion roots for a largely CGI film — largely ...
Aardman’s last film with DreamWorks underwent a troubled production ... Aardman’s first entirely CG-animated film, Flushed Away follows a posh pet rat Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) who ...
Aardman’s last film with DreamWorks underwent a troubled production ... Aardman’s first entirely CG-animated film, Flushed Away follows a posh pet rat Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) who ...
Two Oscars for shorts starring the duo followed, and suddenly Aardman had enough clout to co-produce a feature with Dreamworks Animation 28 years after their foundation. Since “Chicken Run ...