According to co-founder, chairman and managing director Rakesh Verma, the B2C business is not more than ₹50 lakh in revenue. Rohan Verma would own 90% of the new venture, while MapMyIndia will ...
Rakesh Verma, Co-founder and Chairman & Managing Director, MapmyIndia discusses the company’s quarterly performance, focusing on challenges in consumer tech and enterprise digital transformation.
Rakesh Verma told investors of two other options: operating the B2C business as a vertical within the company or creating a subsidiary. However, since the impact on the P&L would have been the ...
When Rakesh and Reshmi Verma returned to India in the 1990s, after spending 12 years in the US, they wanted to start something unique, and stumbled upon digital maps, something that India did not ...
have formally informed stock exchanges of its decision to reverse the decision to make any investment in the new consumer-facing business being set up by CMD Rakesh Verma's son and CEO Rohan Verma ...