“It’s like a kid playing in a sandbox.” A bored dog may try to dig a tunnel under a fenced-in yard to reach something they think is exciting. Your pet may also be tempted by freshly dug up e ...
Dogs are natural diggers, and while some breeds may be more inclined to tunnel than others, any dog can develop a habit of digging holes in the yard. This behavior can stem from boredom ...
“It could just be your neighbor’s dog,” says Mengak ... to gather when you’re trying to figure out what’s digging in your yard, according to Pierce and Mengak: Robert Pierce, PhD ...
These feisty, short-legged dogs were selectively bred to "go to ground" digging through dens and burrows as they hunted down their dwellers. Tip: Look for some safe, humane methods to fence the ...
“It could just be your neighbor’s dog,” says Mengak ... Many different types of rodents may be digging up your yard, including squirrels, chipmunks, and even rats. For example, squirrels ...
An owner couldn't get to the bottom of why her dog was digging next to a fence—until she spotted a "little white paw" poking through. What occurred in the weeks afterward took her by surprise.