金属羰基类化合物在催化转移反应中的应用一直受到合适前体的限制。本文报道了一种手性磷酸催化的不对称三官能化反应,利用原位生成的α-Halo Rh-Carbenes作为金属羰基化合物,合成了手性α-环酮胺基酯。 利用 α- 卤代铑卡宾实现不对称多组分三官能化反应的 ...
Fans unhappy with Halo Infinite's Fuel Rod SPNKr weapon. Halo Studios faced challenges with previous controversies, affecting player reception. Despite frustrations, Halo Infinite's future is ...
Are you wondering if Halo, the notable Xbox exclusive, is coming to PlayStation? You’re far from the only one. The days of a genuine console exclusive may be ending, although Nintendo likely won’t ...
Or is it? Moses also notes that since he is painting the mural on a Catholic campus, he felt that it was important to paint a divine halo around the head of the subject. He also added some ...