Al-Shall’s weekly report, referencing the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) December analysis, described Kuwait’s economic performance ...
Study Rundown: High-dose hemodiafiltration has been associated with a significant reduction in mortality compared to ...
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) oversees cellular networks, carriers, and other critical infrastructure that ...
Findings published in Brain Sciences showed missed doses and potential for injury when waking to take a second dose among the key challenges ...
BK polyomavirus, or BKPyV, is a major cause of kidney transplant failure. There are no effective drugs to treat BKPyV. Research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham reveals new aspects of BKPyV ...
31, raising the risk of a cut-off of Russian gas to several eastern European countries, including Moldova. Moldova’s ...
This study makes a valuable advance in our understanding of defensive symbionts in insects. It uses a meta-analysis to quantify the magnitude of change in host fitness components when symbionts are ...
The unrecognized effects of blockage on corporate success are significant - and growing faster than ever before. Vala Afshar and Henry King of Salesforce argue that with a change in mindset, companies ...
The chronic neurodegenerative disease Alzheimer’s disease (AD) generally begins at around 60 years old, progressively ...
The study turned out to be a failure, and as a result, the stock has declined by about 30%. Its drug candidate AL002 was interesting from the perspective of TREM2 and microglial activation ...
With evidence from 85,373 participants across 11 trials, GLP-1 receptor agonists significantly reduced kidney failure risk and ... disease outcomes: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled ...
CFR scholars provide expert analysis and commentary on international ... a mere $61 million against its $300 million annual target. Failure to address fossil fuel production.