Life Under Water is back for a second season after an incredibly successful first season which won a Bronze Climate award at ...
Sea truffles, sea lettuce, dulse, dillisk, Irish moss. All sorts of seaweed can be found on Scottish shores, a passionate ...
A Greenpeace expedition to survey seamounts and other deep sea habitats has set off this week. With two specialist marine ...
The coral reefs off Nha Trang, Vietnam, are dying due to climate change and local pressures, leading to diminished fish populations and impacting tourism.
NHA TRANG, Vietnam (AP) — The gentle waves off the coast of central Vietnam's Nha Trang obscure an open secret: The ...
Sea life in the seafloor of New Zealand’s most productive and important commercial fishing ground shows resilience to ...
Aotearoa New Zealand spent years spearheading the introduction of a new set of rules governing bottom trawling in the South ...
This is the kind of find every magnet fisher dreams of—a full safe hidden beneath the water! But the real question is, what’s ...
Tuesday 4 March will mark the second anniversary of the Global Ocean Treaty being agreed, a triumph for multilateralism and ...
Greenpeace had offered to survey the site for free, using deep sea cameras during an already planned expedition to survey ...
The agreement is being denounced as a threat to New Zealand and used to justify its ongoing integration into US-led plans for ...