Structure-based drug design is the design and optimization of a chemical structure with the goal of identifying a compound suitable for clinical testing — a drug candidate. It is based on ...
A new study enhances PVDF piezoelectric properties through in situ silver nanoparticle growth, boosting ß-phase content and energy-harvesting performance.
根据生意社监测的数据显示,截止2月24日国内优等品DMF企业报价均价在4280元/吨,目前DMF市场价格弱势下行,窄幅下调。 二 ...
Here, we first fabricated a series of high-performance composite separators with a porous bicontinuous structure by employing a nonsolvent-induced phase separation technique using a “weak solvent” (a ...
DMF-0.1电磁式煤气安全切断阀 产品信息 电磁式煤气安全切断阀简介 DMF-0.1型电磁式煤气安全切断阀由冶金工业部马鞍山钢铁设计研究院开发设计,本厂生产制造的新型换代产品。电磁式煤气安全切断阀不仅克服了目前国内常用的电动切断阀 切断速度慢、控制复杂 ...
Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University, 6-3 Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8578, Japan Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, ...
The impact of sulfur substitution and TMA+ intercalation on superconductivity in FeSe1-xSx is analyzed, highlighting Tc enhancements and structural changes.
The Dynamic Media Facility (DMF) is a concept for modern, software-defined production infrastructures in the media industry. It aims to redefine media production for the modern age by promoting a ...
The foundation would be chaired by the respective district collector with deputy directors of mines and officials of mining companies operating in the region as members ...