However, America has found the light, something better and more convenient that could change how we produce power. The US has created a cube-shaped solar panel, which is believed to be twenty times ...
Scientists have discovered a remarkable enigmatic cube-shaped box jellyfish with 24 eyes all over it in Hong Kong. It has been named Tripedalia Maipoensis after the Mai Po Nature Reserve. Its unique ...
Marsupials are fascinating creatures with their own built-in pouches. These are animals like kangaroos, possums, and koalas.
South Korean designer Junho Kang has created Cling, a stool made from stainless steel sheets and designed to resemble a climber's grip. The stool was designed to reference different aspects of ...
According to animal biologists, it can be tricky to differentiate between the poop of the two sexes. They both defecate scat-shaped feces. What many people believe is that bucks have a longer poop.
What's most important is consistency. If you notice changes in the color, texture, or shape of your poop, or in how often you go, talk to your doctor. Also, contact your doctor anytime you have ...
Holding in poop on occasion is not harmful, but doing this often can lead to constipation, impaction, inflammation, and more severe complications. People who hold in their poop too often may start ...
Seeing your poop float might surprise you. But it's usually nothing to worry about. More often than not, it's related to something you ate. Other times, floating poop can be a symptom of an underlying ...
is a useful gauge of stool consistency in healthy individuals. According to the BSFS, healthy stools are generally solid, smooth, and sausage-shaped. The stool releases easily from the bowels and ...