Patients most "in need" should be able to see the same doctor at every appointment in their local GP surgery, the government says. GPs will be rewarded financially if they do this and if they go ...
Taken together, the results of the present studies of iPSCs derived from an LS patient and the IOB mouse model of LS show that mitochondrial activities, mtDNA loss and ciliary homeostasis are involved ...
Trust and confidence are key components of the clinician-patient relationship. There are many benefits that can accrue from a trusting relationship, including open and honest communication of ...
Involving people in decisions about their care and treatment can improve outcomes and experiences for patients, and potentially yield efficiency savings for the health system through increased ...
But for a small number of children, the infection triggers strange behavior changes known as PANDAS syndrome. PANDAS stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with ...
More than double the number of cancer patients in Singapore die of the disease compared with those in Australia and the United States. In Asia, Singapore also fares worse than South Korea and ...
When the BBC reported that waiting lists for gynaecology appointments across the UK had more than doubled since February 2020, many women shared their experiences of how they feel forced to turn ...
Ouyang is an emergency physician and an associate professor at Columbia University. I rushed around the patient as he lay motionless with his eyes closed in the emergency room. He was pale and ...