Embark on a journey of art and romance in the enchanting city of Paris, a sanctuary cherished by artists throughout history.
German artist Axel Kasseböhmer's solo debut in Asia, titled Qi Lü (or 'I am rooted, but I flow'), explores his final landscape series inspired by Lake Walchensee. Reflecting on the contemplative power ...
“曲水流觞”这一雅事,并非仅限于东晋书法家王羲之的时代。在北魏时期,济南的士大夫们就在曲水亭街附近建起了“曲水流杯池”,正如郦道元在其《水经注》中所述:“历祠下泉源竞发,北流经历城东又北,引水为流杯池,州僚宾宴公私多萃其上。”流杯池即王府池子,池水北出,曲折东流是为曲水河。每年农历三月初三,文人墨客都要聚会于此,“修禊”完毕后,便开始“曲水流觞”的诗酒盛会。这种盛会一直流行至清代。随着时代的变迁, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
“I must place Hangzhou at the top of my China travel bucket list!” Students from the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia who ...
Yuhu Bay and Wuzhuangyuan Memorial Gate together form the “Three Stages of Yunshui Scenic Area.” Nearby, you can find several historic sites, including the memorial and tomb of Yu Qian, the former ...
For locals in Shanghai, the New Year's Day climb at the iconic Oriental Pearl Tower is more than just a race – it's a ...
Record number of agreementshighlights district’s global influenceJing’an District is making bold strides on the global stage, ...
华夏大地上,黄河之水奔腾不息长驱万里,穿高山、越峡谷、汇百川、纳千流,滋养着古老的土地,孕育了灿烂的文化。山河壮美,文明璀璨,承载着千年来中华民族的记忆与梦想。在中共中央宣传部国际传播局、中共山东省委宣传部、中共济南市委宣传部的指导下,济南国际传播中 ...