The blockbuster musical Wickedsoared at the Oscar nominations on Thursday, landing 10 nods, including Best Picture, Best Actress for Cynthia Erivo, and Best Supporting Actress for Ariana Grande. What ...
“For four decades, Conan O’Brien, has brought his unique blend of the smart, silly, insightful, and hilarious into our homes,” said Deborah F. Rutter, president of the John F. Kennedy Center ...
O'Brien, 61, has carved out an improbable decadeslong career arc, moving from goofy television interloper to comedic elder statesman. Along the way, he survived one of the most public failures in ...
Comedian and host Conan O’Brien was named the newest recipient of the Mark Twain Prize for lifetime achievement in comedy on Thursday. O’Brien, 61, has carved out an improbable decades long career arc ...
Conan O'Brien has been announced as the latest recipient of the prestigious Mark Twain Prize for lifetime achievement in comedy. The announcement comes as O'Brien, 61, prepares to host this year's ...