The Bollywood megastar produced “Lost Ladies,” directed by Rao, which tells the story of two brides accidentally switched on the return from their weddings.
Colin Farrell is joining the team behind the Oscar-qualified Irish short Room Taken as an executive producer. The film directed by TJ O’Grady-Peyton and produced by Colmán Mac Cionnaith won ‘Best ...
Gangster, crime and mob movies are just about money, drugs and violence, right? Wrong! While it can’t be denied these areas certainly come with the territory, gangster and mob films are so much ...
Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Ireland’s players celebrate after their teammate Gus McCarthy scored a try during the Autumn Nations ...
Martin (Colin ... gangster films, and his writing style is a mish-mash of Tarantino wordplay and Charlie Kauffman (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation) levels of self-reference (check out Colin ...