Milo the English show cocker spaniel lives in Lancashire, England, with his owner Rachel, 30, and her fiance, James, after becoming part of the family in 2022. "This is the second advent calendar ...
Everyone has to smell it and check it out! But I would have to say that it would be pretty hard to top the level of excitement that is being felt by the Cocker Spaniel in the Instagram video below.
Chris Daughtry is the latest rocker to undergo a tattoo makeover, opting for the blackout look that has been popularized in recent years. He shows off the new design in some freshly posted photos ...
And then, on November 19, Ray shared the video that changed it all: After finding a note from the Cocker Spaniel's owner asking her to play the French hit 'La Vie En Rose,' the curious dog sitter ...
Have you ever been surprised by a loved one's dramatic change in hairstyle? If so, you can relate to the bewilderment this Cocker Spaniel felt. Her brother’s new haircut was quite a shock, ...