A short-lived 1980s television comedy series called “Square Pegs” followed a group of high school students from a variety of backgrounds trying to fit in.
These epic tracks helped make these 80s movie moments unforgettable! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for those deep cut tunes from 1980s movie soundtracks that we feel ...
There are many talents Christians can inherit, and comedian Thor Ramsey granted the gift of laughter. Best known for his appearance in the popular Christian comedy DVDs, Thou Shalt Laugh and Thou ...
In his final campaign events with conservative Christian activists and politicians, Mr. Trump is promising to elevate not only their policy priorities but also their ideological influence.
Scottish comedian Janey Godley has died a month after ... After 15 years running a pub with her husband during the 1980s and 1990s, she began her stand-up career in 1994, going on to co-present ...