A candidate for South Barrington’s village board has criticized how village officials handled a controversial proposal to ...
What’s in a name? For Anabaptists, baptism is an essential part of their name, history, and practice. Come for an afternoon ...
Ashland Theological Seminary is one of 20 organizations receiving Lilly grants through the Ministry in Rural Areas and Small Towns Initiative.
A grand breakfast buffet will be hosted by the Raystown Brethren Church located at 129 Winterberry Lane in Saxton on March 15 from 7 to 10 a.m. There is no ...
The Unitarian Church was founded by preacher and theologian Ferenc Dávid (c 1520-1579). It is the only Hungarian-founded ...
The Disciples of Christ church leadership decided to join a lawsuit against the Trump administration, in hopes of protecting ...
The main symptom indicating the body of Christ isn't healthy is that those without “status” don't have a voice and can't send ...
Signers pledge “to restore welcome to those seeking refuge — regardless of where they are from, how they pray or what ...