The mustache is making a strong comeback among millennials, who were thought to be immune to this last century accessory.
According to Robin Staz, a barber at Beardbrand Barbershop in Austin, TX, mustache wax is a styling product often made with ...
The pencil moustache is probably one of the most iconic styles in the history of mankind. While it was first introduced in ...
Fresh from her DWTS appearance, Elaine Crowley led the style charge at the launch of Unislim CEO Fiona Gratzer's book The 30 Day Diet on Thursday. The presenter looked chic in a loose-flowing beige ...
The new job comes with a new look. The waxed handlebar mustache that made him one of the most recognized players in college baseball has been retired. Connell still sports a mustache and beard but ...
In 2025’s go-go leveraged debt markets, everything is up for negotiation, but a trio of investor protections are proving to be lines that lenders won’t cross. The safeguards are designed to ...
“A goatee is usually a small beard on the chin, sometimes with a moustache, sometimes without,” says Oakley. “It's a broad term, but technically, a Van Dyke is a more defined style – a ...
It can also be hard to have fun and add flavor into your work style, especially if you’re in a more traditional office setting. Investment banking in cool ripped jeans and a mesh JPG top?
“Your baby is beautiful,” a man’s voice said. I looked up to see a young man with a handlebar mustache, a big smile and a tattoo encircling his neck like a shawl. “Thanks,” I managed to ...