The incident unfolded around 8 pm when Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) officials began distributing tokens at various centres, including Vishnu Nivasam, Srinivasam and Padmavati Park.
Slaanesh got a very nice update this time around and I think will see a lot of these Chaos Daemons armies show up especially with the cheap cost of the Keeper of Secrets and all their friends. Any ...
Jorgenson is expected to sentenced to two 40-year terms in prision. Star Tribune Under his plea deal, Joseph Steven Jorgenson, 41, of Woodbury, is expected to be sentenced Feb. 28 to two 40-year ...
With 14 confirmed deaths, the New Year’s attack in New Orleans is the 10th deadliest mass killing in the U.S. since tracking began in 2006. A mass killing is defined as an event where four or ...
The gunman died after shooting himself in the head, police said early on Thursday. The killing spree started around 5:30 pm local time (1630 GMT) on Wednesday, in Bajice village near the southern ...
A driver ran down two New Zealand police officers as they patrolled on foot in the early hours of New Year's Day, killing one and seriously injuring the other, the country's police chief said.
The term "God complex" is used to describe a person who believes they have exceptional power or authority and are superior to others. It is not considered a mental illness on its own, per the ...
WEST JORDAN — A West Jordan man was arrested Wednesday and accused of strangling his dog and burying it in his backyard. Michael George Orfanos, 30, was charged Thursday in 3rd District Court ...
Three people, including a 16-year-old girl, have been arrested in connection with the killing of a Tucson man on Christmas Eve, authorities say. The arrests in the killing of Paul Clifford ...
But great leaders don’t stand on the sidelines—they enter the arena, bring clarity to chaos, and make bold decisions. Their greatest weapon is reflection, allowing them to transform challenges ...