NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) detected the magnetic field streamlines shown over this image of the Keyhole Nebula, part of the larger Carina Nebula, captued by the ...
Are you stuck in Cepheus Protocol Anthology Season 1, or looking for the best way to proceed? We have the solution to your problem! Use one of the walkthroughs, hints or playthroughs that have been ...
The Iris is a reflection nebula, a cloud of gas and dust illuminated by a central star. It's six light-years across, and lies 1400 years away from the earth. The Eagle Nebula is a young open cluster ...
located at about 10,000 light-years away in the Cepheus constellation. Formed from expanded shells of gases, the nebula is powered by two massive stars, each with a mass over 20 times greater than ...
Discovered in 2011 by French astrophotographer Nicolas Outters and located in the constellation Cepheus, the very faint bipolar shape of this planetary nebula (stars like our sun transform ...
On October 29, 1943, my father, Etienne Aberth, an immigrant from Strasbourg, France, signed up with the U.S. Navy, little more than two weeks after his seventeenth birthday. He was assigned to the ...
On Oct. 29, 1943, my father, Etienne Aberth, an immigrant from Strasbourg, France, signed up with the U.S. Navy, little more than two weeks after his 17th birthday. He was ...