Tain-born Hector Graham Urquhart was an apprentice ironmonger in Dingwall before becoming a gunner with the 4th Highland ...
This larger figure is the accepted official estimate of the total number killed. In all 61,522 Australians lost their lives in the First World War. As well, an estimated total of 664 Australian ...
Who we choose to trust can have a profound impact on our lives. Join thousands of devoted South Africans who look to News24 to bring them news they can trust every day. As we celebrate 25 years, ...
Note Letter dated 21/5/1916 from Geo. L. Jackson giving details of his expereince of the evacuation of Gallipoli.
Cape Breton University is slashing its budget by up to $20 million this year because of a federal cut in the number of international students allowed. President David Dingwall said the restriction ...
Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller popularized the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio. CAPE compares stock prices with earnings smoothed across multiple years, which provides a ...
CAPE ratio calculates long-term valuation by averaging 10 yrs of inflation-adjusted earnings. High CAPE ratios suggest potential overvaluation and future poor returns, low CAPE indicates good buys ...