The season to venture forth to venerate places in India and Nepal rich in history and Buddhist relevance is ending. The cooler temperatures of Benares and Bihar make for the season for Buddhist ...
Will you support our work and become a Vox Member today? Buddhism warns of greed, hatred, and delusion. Resort-goers in the latest season of the HBO hit should be concerned. Alex Abad-Santos is a ...
The best known publication of his is the series titled: Buddhism in Practice: collection of essays of which Volumes three to five were written while a Bhikkhu. His first book in the series was ...
Syeda Rizwana Hasan, adviser to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, inaugurated the newly established project "Ananda Academy for Performing Arts (AAPA)" of Social Services and ...
Later, Bhikkhu Ananda Bhante from the Maha Bodhi Society translated the essence of the Tipitaka and Buddha’s messages into Kannada for the audience.