In a candid interview, producer Boney Kapoor shared the lengths he went to have Lata Mangeshkar appear for the film Pukaar. Despite her health issues, Mangeshkar's involvement in the song Ek Tu Hi ...
Producer Boney Kapoor and actor Siddharth appeared as guests at Galatta Plus' Round Table and they argued if good cinema prevails over star power, contributing towards the overall success of the film.
But hold on tight because modern motherboards are bringing massive upgrades with a lightning-fast M.2 port on the motherboard itself. This turbocharged connection sets the stage for a mind-blowing ...
Telugu producer Naga Vamsi broke silence on his viral remarks about Bollywood vs. South cinema in a roundtable session. He told Boney Kapoor, one of the panellists, that Bollywood was making films for ...
Telugu producer Naga Vamsi received severe backlash from celebrities and the Internet for 'disrespecting' Boney Kapoor in a roundtable. He explained that they had a healthy discussion. Listen to Story ...
The debate on Bollywood vs South Indian cinema has been going on for the past few years. This discussion came to light once again after producers Boney Kapoor and Nag Vamsi expressed their opinions.
This discussion also included veteran producer Boney Kapoor. Boney Kapoor acknowledged the achievements of Telugu cinema but disagreed with Vamsi's view that it has been a guiding force for Bollywood.
Producer Boney Kapoor has openly discussed his physical transformation, including significant weight loss and a successful hair transplant. In an interview, Boney shared his hair transplant experience ...
Boney said that over the journey one learns so many things about the partner. "You learn to become careful about not doing things they don’t like. Both sides grow to understand each other. I’m a north ...
Boney Kapoor has opened up about his striking physical transformation, including his decision to undergo a hair transplant and achieve significant weight loss. In a recent interview, the ...
In a recent interview, Boney Kapoor revealed a few intimate details ... Both sides grow to understand each other. I’m a north Indian Punjabi, Sri was from the south… Initially, everything ...
In an interview with ABP Live, Boney Kapoor opened up about the struggles he and Sridevi faced when they first got together. He explained, “You learn so many things about your partner over the journey ...