BLEACH remains an essential franchise, originally published as a manga in Weekly Shonen Jump between 2001 and 2016. Adapted into anime from 2004 to 2012, it has won over a worldwide audience. The ...
The eight-part Netflix series “Beyond Goodbye,” directed by Hiroshi Kurosaki, would seem to be the latest Japanese romantic drama in which death plays a leading role, with the objective of ...
The further into this year it grows, the more we ponder if Hollow Knight: Silksong will arrive soon. If you're compiling a list of the most-anticipated-yet-rarely-seen games, the Hollow Knight ...
Bleach is a series full to the brim with memorable characters and amazing fights that fans can't get enough of. Ichigo Kurosaki may be somewhat of a bland protagonist, but fans still love it when ...
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War has truly kicked off the final wave of fights between the Soul Reapers and Quincies with Part 3 of the series now airing this Fall, and it’s going to keep ramping ...
There was always something to look forward to in Pixie Hollow! Special Events were held where players could celebrate with their Fairy friends. Some events also featured special collections for ...
Christmas is fast approaching, and Hollow Knight: Silksong has the power to truly make it the most wonderful time of year. Team Cherry's long-awaited Metroidvania has been in the works for some ...
Arriving 10 years after the end of the original anime, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood ... Following where the 2004 anime left off, Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki is called back into battle when a ...