This species is one of the most widely distributed, abundant, well-known, and well-named birds in North ... Summer male: black, including soft parts, with bright red shoulder patch or “epaulet ...
They breed in wet prairies, mountain meadows, and marshes, nesting in tall cattails near the red ... bird of the dry Southwest. They are long and slender with black heads, backs, wings, and ...
Two male Rodrigues solitaires fight over a female in the background using club-like wings The extinct Dodo had a little-known relative on another island. This fascinating bird ultimately suffered ...
Bold face pattern with white eyebrow, bordered above and below with black. Ruby red iris of adult visible at close range. Gray to blue-gray crown contrasts with olive back and darker wings and tail.
We've listed 10 of the birds you could expect to see if you're getting involved this year! With their bright red breast ... brown with a black throat, yellow and white in the wings and a yellow ...