On Friday (Jan. 10), the moon will pass near Jupiter, meeting up with the gas giant in the constellation Taurus. Viewers can expect to see the bright moon and Jupiter shortly after sunset.
Exhibitors introduced an array of birding and hiking equipment, along with unique bird-related merchandise, including binoculars, field guides and eco-friendly souvenirs. Attendees had an idea of ...
Both will appear within one binocular field of view, according to astronomy site When the Curves Line Up, although you’ll need a telescope to see planet details like Saturn’s dazzling rings.
The two planets will be in the same binocular field of view. Give it a try. Uranus, at magnitude 5.7, is located in the constellation Aries eight degrees southwest of the Pleiades star cluster.
Ari Wald, Oppenheimer "The most important chart we're watching heading into 2025 is the performance of high-momentum stocks vs. low-momentum stocks, loosely defined as the top winners vs.
Detailed information and finder charts are provided for each object so viewers know where to look in the sky. "On a clear night, find a safe location with a dark sky away from bright lights ...
Take a tour through the best charts 538 made this year. The year 2024 was one for the history books, and 538's visual journalists and reporters were hard at work explaining the data behind the ...