Directed by Ajay Bhuyan, the series follows two con artists, Tarik Pandey and Maddy, as they compete for the affection of Chandni. The story takes a thrilling turn when Chandni challenges the duo ...
The Billboard Hot 100 is widely considered to be the definitive all-genre chart for songs in the US. Although it offers only one way to measure popularity, earning Billboard's highest rank is a ...
One of Iron Maiden's most popular hit songs is one that Adrian Smith originally didn't even want to introduce to Steve Harris, assuming the bassist and founder wouldn't like it. That song is ...
In a year of exuberance and dread, songs came from every which way to comfort, to amuse, to haunt, to tantalize. Here, in descending order of greatness, are the 30 best of the year. 1. Chappell ...
Amy Studt produced one of the 00s biggest albums (Picture: Redferns) Featuring an energetic pop rock riff and iconic lyrics, Misfit was one of the biggest songs of 2003, and now the songstress ...
Songs show up everywhere these days: appended to sports highlights and TikToks, piped into political rallies and Paneras, interpolated during sermons. This ubiquity often trivializes music, but it ...
Elton composed bespoke music with killer hooks and elegant plumage, crafting songs that fit him to a T, delivering them with falsetto flourishes and barrelhouse piano runs. On top of it all ...
She also shared a video of Sonakshi Sinha’s performance. Iulia then shared a video of Salman’s entry at the event. He then performed on some of his hit songs like “O O Jaane Jaana,” “Jeene Ke Hain ...
He gained immense fame for his roles in Bhojpuri films and his hit songs, becoming one of the most recognized names in the industry. Pradeep Pandey is another prominent actor in Bhojpuri cinema, known ...
A four-year-old boy has died after being hit by a bus in the West Midlands. Officers are seeking dash cam footage of the incident which happened shortly before 4.55pm on Friday in High Street ...
A four-year-old boy has tragically died after being hit by a bus in Tipton. West Midlands police officers were called to the scene on High Street just before 4.55pm yesterday (December 6).