The TRANSFORMERS franchise recently introduced its first nonbinary character, and many parents aren’t pleased. In a clip from TRANSFORMERS: EARTHSPARK, a robot tells a human, “My pronouns are ...
In 2023, TRANSFORMERS: EARTHSPARK introduced two non-binary characters, but parents are saying they don’t want LGTBQ ideology in their kids’ shows. A clip from the show went viral: “My pronouns are ...
Created and written by Gunn, Creature Commandos showcases his trademark ability to breathe life into obscure characters who become ... time by looking back at the best new antiheroes on TV.
Academy Awards nominations are out, and there are a few oversights that stand out right away. Of course, not every movie can be represented at the Oscars — perhaps the award show can’t even ...
While Jane Doe has excellent synergy with A-Rank character Seth, her overall best team comps demand premium units like Grace, Qingyi, and Rina, making her less F2P-friendly than other characters.