Cat’s Eyes, a live-action action series adaptation of Tsukasa Hōjō’s cult manga of the same name, won the drama series honor. The show, which Hōjō co-created with French producer Michel ...
Googly eyes have been appearing on sculptures around the central Oregon city of Bend, delighting many residents and sparking a viral sensation covered widely by news outlets and featured on a ...
Googly eyes on Bend sculptures went viral, and were featured on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The city spent $1,500 removing them to prevent art damage. Reactions mix humor and praise with ...
PORTLAND: Googly eyes have been appearing on sculptures around the central Oregon city of Bend, delighting many residents and sparking a viral sensation covered widely by news outlets and featured on ...
Googly eyes have been appearing on sculptures around the central Oregon city of Bend, delighting many residents and sparking a viral sensation covered widely by news outlets and featured on a popular ...
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Googly eyes have been appearing on sculptures around the central Oregon city of Bend, delighting many residents and sparking a viral sensation covered widely by news outlets and ...