This set is inspired by Batman: The Animated Series, which aired on the FOX Kids cartoon block from 1992-1995. It's a 3D Art Deco relief portrait of the Gotham City skyline, complete with its ...
Batman: The Roleplaying Game offers fans a chance to down the cowl and clean up the streets of ... [+] Gotham City. It’s very likely that at some point in our lives, everyone has pretended to be ...
Executive producer Bruce Timm told The Wrap that Batman: Caped Crusader Season 2 still has a while to go as scripts and recording sessions are just now getting started. More than eight decades ...
What it's about: Batman is pushed to his farthest limits by a physically and mentally intimidating terrorist named Bane, who turns Gotham City into an anarchic “No Man’s Land." What it's about ...
Cue the Batman theme song because DC’s iconic superhero ... There’s a lot more division in the city. It’s a lot more like our world is now, there’s a lot of turmoil because people are ...
The new logo was unveiled on the city’s Facebook page to controversy from some in Andover. Many are asking why the project cost so much and why the city needs a new logo at all. City officials ...
We have also gotten the first look at Gotham City in the DCU. In a short glimpse, Batman is shown with a longer cape, white lenses, and trunks. It will be exciting to see this in live-action. Check ...
After weeks of rumors, Warner Bros. and DC confirmed today that The Batman - Part II has been delayed again. The planned Batman sequel is now set to land in theaters in 2027, five years after the ...