A video circulating on unofficial Ukrainian and Russian Telegram channels appears to show a Russian cargo ship snapped in two, with water spilling over the edge of its top deck. The shipwreck does not ...
A court in Moscow charged Uzbek citizen Ahmat Qurbanov on December 19 with terrorism and other charges in the high-profile killing of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, who headed Russia's Nuclear, ...
The common American phrases, along with idioms, collocations, slang and other word combinations or "chunks" of language will help students produce easily and accurately natural English reaching ...
They were promised a chance to earn money, get an education abroad, and gain work experience. Instead, they found themselves assembling military drones in Russia and, in one case, subjected to a ...
By The New York Times Igor Kirillov, a general in charge of Russia’s military’s nuclear and chemical weapons protection forces, was killed on Tuesday by a bomb in Moscow, the Russian ...